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Stand on in a sentence

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Sentence count:234+6Posted:2017-04-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: stand outinstantaneoushand onundonetendonoff and onabandonon and on
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(121) He was right, I did have to stand on tiptoe and even then I could hardly reach.
(122) Such beliefs are able to stand on their own feet, without support from others.
(123) But, molly-coddled by the government for years, they may not be equipped to stand on their own two feet.
(124) He will not stand on the stage as the prepackaged candidate of a political marketing team.
(125) We stand on a high sand dune and look out at the sea and the imposing gray sky.
(126) The Michigan economists take no stand on a wealth tax.
(127) For much of the time they stand on one leg, hunched and sentinel-like at the water's edge.
(128) As long as a strong argument or sound reasons are given for your opinions they will stand on their own.
(129) He was so close to her, his arms brushing lightly against hers, making her hairs stand on end.
(130) Her statue used to stand on that ledge of rock, just there above the spring.
(131) For example, written language typically has to express things more explicitly, because it has to stand on its own.
(132) It is also written in a kind of breathless journalese that makes one's nerves stand on end.
(133) Susan was teaching Wyatt how to stand on his hands.
(134) The Composite Order is used; the columns stand on sculptured pedestals.
(135) The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end.
(136) He would stand on the corner and chat with those passing by.
(137) I stroll down the street and stand on the corner of Haight and Ashbury.
(138) Never use wicker chairs to stand on for odd jobs around the house.
(139) All parties involved in the budget fiasco stand on a slippery slope.
(140) Lord Lane said: Oppression does not stand on the doorstep with a toothbrush moustache and a swastika armband.
(141) Visitors to Lyle on a factory tour stand on the final inspection platform.
(142) We who stand on the touchline are glad that you are happy.
(143) I did not know as yet that ogres stand on guard before the portal of an heiress.
(144) They stand on nearly every Cairo street corner,( on.html) watching the traffic and staring into space.
(145) I watch it stand on its hind legs with its snout on the worktop.
(146) Nobody is seriously being invited to stand on top of the mountain of verbiage and get an overview.
(147) Priscilla came to stand on the threshold of the room, her eyes downcast, her hands straight at her sides.
(148) I guess I shall have to learn to stand on my own feet.
(149) Using the market price means that each division must stand on its own feet, as though it were an independent company.
(150) Mr Hashimoto has played it safe by taking a fuzzy stand on issues such as electoral reforms.
More similar words: stand outinstantaneoushand onundonetendonoff and onabandonon and oncondoneabandonedfound onattend ondepend onabandonmentout and outachilles tendonstandstand forstand upstanzastancestand bymustangstandarddistantinstantdistancebystandertaxi standstand back
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